local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local AnnouncementEventFolder = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("Announcement Event Folder")
local OpenAnnouncementConfiguration = AnnouncementEventFolder:WaitForChild("OpenAnnouncementConfiguration")
local ProximityPrompt = script:FindFirstAncestorWhichIsA("ProximityPrompt")
local GroupID = 17134656
local SpecialPerson = 1159466023
if Player:GetRankInGroup(GroupID) >= 22 or Player.UserId == SpecialPerson or Player.UserId == -1 or Player.UserId == -2 then
OpenAnnouncementConfiguration:FireClient(Player, ProximityPrompt.Parent)
Can someone tell me why does it not work i'm the group owner
How it’s supposed to work when you put a proximity prompt into a script, not the part?
The GUI appears but it says Rank Invalid
proximity prompt was inside part everytime
Let me test smth in my own baseplate game
If its saying the rank is invaild but the UI is appearing which im assuming is being done elsewhere when the ‘OpenAnnouncementConfiguration’ event is being fired as there is no part in the script you showed us that the ui is being cloned or anything that would open up the UI. Could you please provide a bit more clarification on what you mean by the UI is opening but it says the rank is invalid?
I understand that lol, I’m a scripter with my own Roblox game
Can you show the client sided script?
Bruh, just change the GetRankInGroup(ID) >= 22 to GetRoleInGroup(ID) == “[ACGS] Assistant Chief of General Staff”