Can someone explain lighting to me?

I’m not able to find any good tutorials. Any pointing tips would be greatly appreciated

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Are you talking about the Lighting Service?

Yes, thank you. Also, how to make lights on ceiling? I know turning off castshadow helps

Make PointLights, SurfaceLights, or SpotLights in order to make lights on the ceiling. In order to understand Lighting, check out the official Roblox documentation. Lighting | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub

If you wanted to make a ceiling light, add a PointLight instance under the part and customize it’s properties. :smile:

Turning off the shadows on lights allows them to shine through walls and other items. It’s only better if you have large open sreas and are concerned about performance.

The shadows are actually rendered pretty well from lights. If you have certain Parts that you don’t want to cast shadows then you can easily change that Property in those indiviual Parts.

If you search the site for Lighting you’ll see documentation on what each setting does.

A tutorial might help, but honestly you’re better off just experimenting with all the properties to see what they do before trying to make just the lighting for your place.