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I want to write my own, so i wanted to see some examples of impact craters i liked to study them.
What is the issue? Include screenshots / videos if possible!
I found one but i don’t understand really the math in there and now i’m stuck on making my own.
What solutions have you tried so far? Did you look for solutions on the Developer Hub?
Searching for some explanations around devforum / youtube, but haven’t found any
for i = 1, (20 * Mod)/10 do
local segments = math.random(8,12)
for i2 = 0, segments - 1 do
local potCf = CF * CFrame.Angles(0,math.rad(360/segments) * i2, 0) * CFrame.new(0,0, (i * -(20 * Mod)/3) - 5)
local result = workspace:Raycast(potCf.Position + Vector3.new(0,3,0), Vector3.new(0,-10,0), params)
if result then
local GroundBreak = repStorage.GroundBreak
if GroundBreak then
local hb = GroundBreak:Clone()
hb.Color = result.Instance.Color
hb.Material = result.Material
hb.Size = Vector3.new(math.random(8,14) * 10 * Mod/segments,math.random(5,6),math.random(5,10))
hb.CFrame = potCf
hb.Position = result.Position - Vector3.new(0,5,0)
hb.CFrame *= CFrame.Angles(math.rad(math.random(10,45)),0,0)
TweenModule.obj(hb, "Back", "Out", .3, {Position = hb.Position + Vector3.new(0,3,0)})
TweenModule.obj(hb, "Back", "In", .3, {Position = hb.Position - Vector3.new(0,6 * Mod,0)})
game.Debris:AddItem(hb, 1.5)
First it repeats 20 times (times the Mod variable), for each ring of the crater, like these:
…and each time it repeats it comes up with a random number of segments to create for the crater ring, like these:
Then it gets the CFrame of where the segment is supposed to be placed later (with the Y Rotation being 360 / segments * i2, i2 being the index of the segment creation loop), and then it casts a ray to get the Material and Color of the floor below.
Then if the ray hits something, the script gets a Part (i’m assuming) from ReplicatedStorage, and checks if the Part exists.
Then the script clones the part and sets the Material and Color which was obtained from the raycast result.
Then the script sets a random Size for the part, positions the part at potCF, which was where the ray was cast, then it lowers the Y Position by 5 studs, and randomly rotates the part on the X Axis, then it uses a TweenModule to tween the part up 3 studs on the Y axis.
Then the script waits 0.3 seconds, using task.delay and then tweens the part downwards 6 studs times the Mod variable (which i’m assuming stands for modifier)
Then the script uses Debris (game:GetService("Debris")) to delete the part after 1.5 seconds using :AddItem()
i might’ve lazied out at a few parts, so if you have any questions, feel free to ask.
The first part, it repeats 20 times, is that for each ring, and then each time it repeats it gets a segment OF that ring, and then rotates it accordingly? is i2 responsible for creating the segment?
when it repeats 20 times, yes it’s repeating for each ring
i2 is the current number of segments created, or the progress of the loop (so if i2 is 5, that means that the loop has currently repeated 5 times. this article explains it more thoroughly)
the script gets a Part object from ReplicatedStorage, and then the script clones it and places colors n stuff. it doesn’t get a segment of the ring, because the segments aren’t there yet.