Can someone explain this complicated line of code?

This is a door script I found on Youtube that allows the door the move upwards when a button is pushed.

local TweenService = game:GetService("TweenService")
local door = script.Parent.Parent.Door
local doorButton = script.Parent
local clickDetector = script.Parent.ClickDetector
local doorClosed = true

local doorClosedPosition = door.Position
local doorClosedSize = door.Size

	local doorTweenInfo =
	local endPosition = {}
	if doorClosed == true then
		endPosition.Position =, door.Position.Y + door.Size.Y/2, door.Position.Z)
		endPosition.Size =, 0, door.Size.Z)
		doorButton.BrickColor ="Really red")
		doorClosed = false
		endPosition.Position = doorClosedPosition
		endPosition.Size = doorClosedSize
		doorButton.BrickColor ="Lime green")
		doorClosed = true
	local tween = TweenService:Create(door, doorTweenInfo, endPosition)

What does “Door.Position.x/y/z” mean and do? Why do I have to do “door.Position.Y + door.Size.Y/2”? Well I get it’s so that door goes uptop instead of the middle but how does adding the size divided by 2 cause it to do that?

Vector3 is its own data type along with CFrame and Ray. Contains information about position in 3D space. More information here: Vector3 | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub

Because Door is apparently a BasePart, its Position and Size property uses Vector3.

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The position of the door is always in the middle of it. So in order to position it on top of the ground, I have to make the door be half of it’s own size higher. I’ll draw a picture in case my wording is kind of hard to understand

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Normally the door’s position will be going through the floor?

Here is the line by line explantion of the code!

It depends on how you set the door’s properties to be closed; also applies to the opened properties.

Yes (sorry if my paint skills are a little wonky lol)

What does “door.Position.x” do? Does it change the value or have it remain the same?

It gets the position on the x axis of the Door