Can someone give me some basics ideas that uses OOP?

I am still trying to learn how to use Object-Oriented Programming and I have learned some extreme basics about how it works. My problem is that I struggle to think of how I can practice using it.
Can someone give me some basic ideas that use OOP so I can practice? Thanks.

Just search up OOP examples online, Python examples would translate pretty well to Lua.

But the basic idea is you have your class.

local Class = {}
Class.__index = Class

What __index does it set it so when you index into a table with it’s metatable set to the class, it will check the class for the index before returning nil.

Then you have your Constructor.

    -- you don't always need to use setmetatable
    local self = setmetatable({}, Class)

    -- construct your object

    return self

And then you have your methods.

function Class.Method()
	print("This is a method used by the class!")

-- [insert more methods here]

(Use the ‘:’ syntax for functions when you need to use self.)