Can someone help me tackle this bug with the killfeed?

Hello fellow peeps here, If you came here to read, would you consider helping me out a bit?

So I am getting this error which is ruining the personal killfeed I am trying to script for another game. The “money” is an attribute and for some reason, it’s getting a “nil”? I am not too sure what this is. So got solutions? Feel free to drop them in the replies! :grin:

Don’t mind the red lines, I was trying to show my team what’s going on.

try using “tostring(money)” and lemme know if it works (without the “”)

oohhhh i see the nil value, that just means you forgot to actually pass that information through from the server

Clarify further, how exactly do I pass the information through from the server?

it’d be through a remote event like you’re already doing with the other values, i think that just means you forgot to give the client that information from wherever you’re firing it

Btw on your previous reply, do I just try to use tostring?

also I did attempt to give the client the information of :GetAttribute(“money”) but it ended up having an error since it doesn’t know what :GetAtrribute() is.

could be helpful if you show what values you’re passing from the server to the client currently

ok so tostring works

but it gives a “nil” instead of the value

assuming the money is some kind of value object from the server try passing [money object path here].Value instead of :GetAttribute()

You can’t just get an attribute “value” tho…?

disregard what i said (read up on attributes)… honestly i’m not sure why it’d pass nil unless the money attribute isn’t being set for some reason

Yea honestly, I prefer NumValues instead of Attributes but this scripter decided to use attributes instead which annoys me.

I tried to turn it into a string which results in a nil even tho it has a number.

well, sorry i couldn’t really help, hopefully you figure it out though!

Are you able to show us the server script? Cause it can probably mean that the server script is just firing nil to the client

Sorry, it’s been fixed already but thanks for the offer tho!

I just forgot to mark a solution on it.

might as well mark this reply so people in the future won’t get confused.

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