Can someone provide an explanation of the edit events window in moon animator?

For people who don’t want to read long stuff, a tl;dr is at the end of the paragraph.

I was going to use moon animator to make an equipping animation for a sword, but I realized that manually making the sword follow the arm (or manually keeping the sword in place while the arm reaches for it) would be pretty difficult and would decrease the quality of the animation. Some example videos can be found below.

Issue with anchoring the handle to the hand (the sword moves with the arm, even when reaching for it):

Issue with anchoring the sword to the torso (the sword doesn’t move with the arm when wanted to)

The thing I want to happen is basically the handle of the sword is anchored to the arm, but only after the arm reaches the handle. Kind of like a combination of the two videos shown.

So I thought that I might be able to edit the motor6d used to make the sword animatable during the animation because of the code begin/end section of the “Edit Events” window. I quickly realized that I had absolutely no clue how to using the event window though. I had only ever needed to make an event, so I never edited one before, and so I’m requesting that someone could give an explanation of all the components of the “Edit Events” window so that I could use it to make my animation, if possible. Even if my hypothesis about editing events is incorrect, I would still like an explanation of all the components of the window, just so that I know how it works. Of course, in the event that my hypothesis is incorrect, I would like to know other ways that I can achieve the thing I’m trying to do, if possible (i don’t even know what I’m saying anymore lol).

tl;dr: Someone please give an explanation of the “Edit Events” window in moon animator and also how would you change what a part is anchored to mid animation if possible. If not possible, what is a way to achieve a similar effect other than just manually doing it if possible.

Thank you in advance :slight_smile:. Also, happy new year! :tada: :tada: :tada:

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Make an invisible handle then add a Motor6D using Moon Animator’s Easy Weld to your PrimaryPart for the main tool.