Can someone tell how each of this video is possible to do?

So i was browsing youtube and found these videos and i wanted to ask how this is possible:

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Cloth sims: There used to be an article by @EgoMoose on the old wiki but it got lost in the switch of URLs. You can find a PDF here still:

Gun impacts: pretty basic raycasting. Putting a texture at the hit point rotated toward the camera or the normal.

Deformable snow: might use an early test of the cage mesh deformer but there are other ways. Ask the guy that made it :slight_smile:

Advanced AI: “when gun shot, play cower animation”

Any more details on any of these probably deserve their own post.

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just a question since I don’t know much about animation, but would using bones make cloth simulations easier to make?

thanks as for the advanced ai can you explain more about it?

aslo i cant ask the guy about the deforamble snow since idk who he is

Dunno much about bones, but that kinda just looks like a container for a few CFrames so not on its own.

If you want to get in contact with the person who made the deformable snow, try these:

His email is
Or you can contact him on Twitter @odysseytohome

Or contact him on Roblox:

OR you can read his post on the deformable snow and reply to him there:

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Which part?

The water animation I’m not sure. You could scroll through some textures on a BillboardGui to make the animation, or use particles.

The bullet holes you just create a part and place it where the bullet hit.

You can check which material you hit to differentiate.

Cloth simulation: the cloth is using the mesh deformation feature, physics is handled by roblox
The gun: raycast + particle
Deformable snow: mesh deformation
Advanced AI: yeah pretty much like what @nicemike40 said

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