So my goal is to make a cool anime battlegrounds game, however even though I have moderate scripting skill, I don’t know the steps to making abilities AT ALL… so can someone teach me the individual steps such as raycasting (I think?)
like just everything I need to know to do it
Im trying to help you as much as i can, but i dont know how to make certain parts that battlegrounds games include (attack cancel) but i can help you with the rest.
- Script the basic client to server remote with server side cooldowns so theyre not exploitable
server script example for cooldowns:
-- sorry for bad formatting
local remote = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Remote
local playerCooldowns = {}
local AbilityLastUse = 0 -- dont change
local AbilityCooldown = 20 -- change
if not playerCooldowns[plr] or playerCooldowns[plr] <= time() then
playerCooldowns[plr] = time() + AbilityCooldown
--ability code here
local remainingTime = playerCooldowns[plr] - time()
print(plr.Name .. " is on cooldown. Remaining time: " .. remainingTime .. " seconds.")
For the hitboxes, one that worked for me in the past is muchacho hitbox
tutorial: -
Animate/Get the animations for your abilities
For the visual/audio effects, you can either use meshes or particle emmiters, you can use modules to make them more organized and run them in the server script for the ability, but you can do this any way you want
Add attack cancel if you want to make it like the rest of the battlegrounds games, but i dont know how to implement it
Put it all together and youre done
Hope this helped, if i missed something let me know
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