Hello! I am using a script I found from another post, and currently I am stuck on a scripting error, so far I’ve tried to make it so that the script will choose a random asset ID from the data, however I cant seem to see what im doing wrong, if someone could tell me I would be grateful!
local HttpService = game:GetService("HttpService") -- enable httpservice by doing game.HttpService.HttpEnabled = true inside command prompt
local MPS = game:GetService("MarketplaceService") -- marketplaceservice
local function getLatestAsset()
local success, assetId = pcall(function()
local latestAssetId
local assetsResponse = HttpService:RequestAsync({
Url = "https://catalog.roproxy.com/v1/search/items?category=Accessories&limit=120&sortType=3&subcategory=Accessories", -- the url
local assetsBody = HttpService:JSONDecode(assetsResponse.Body) -- get the body from our response(the body is the data that was returned)
-- next we need to see if you request to roblox api failed,
-- if so, we throw an error which will be catched by our catch block
if not assetsResponse.Success then
error(string.format("%s %s", assetsResponse.StatusCode, assetsResponse.StatusMessage)) -- throw an error with the status code and status message
the stuff thats not working -->
local item = math.random(1,#assetsBody.data)
local assetId = assetsBody[item]
local assetInfo = MPS:GetProductInfo(assetId, Enum.InfoType.Asset) <-- end of stuff thats not working
latestAssetId = assetId
script.Parent.SurfaceGui.Frame.Creator.Text = "By "..assetInfo.Creator.Name
script.Parent.SurfaceGui.Frame.Title.Text = assetInfo.Name
script.Parent.SurfaceGui.Frame.Description.Text = assetInfo.Description
script.Parent.SurfaceGui.Frame.ImageIcon.Price.Text = assetInfo.PriceInRobux
script.Parent.SurfaceGui.Frame.ImageIcon.Image = "https://assetgame.roblox.com/Game/Tools/ThumbnailAsset.ashx?aid="..assetId.."&fmt=png&wd=420&ht=420"
return latestAssetId -- return latest assetId
if not success then
warn(string.format("Failed to get latest asset because: %s", assetId)) -- send a warning in the output to tell u request failed
print(string.format("Got latest asset. Asset id: %d", assetId)) -- print latest asset id
while true do
assetsBody[item] seems to only return a table with the id of the asset, and it’s type… (id, itemType)
To fix this, you can change the assetId variable to assetsBody[item].id, and of course, to get it’s type you can index the item with “itemType” (which would return Asset in this case?).
Precise Script
local HttpService = game:GetService("HttpService") -- enable httpservice by doing game.HttpService.HttpEnabled = true inside command prompt
local MPS = game:GetService("MarketplaceService") -- marketplaceservice
local function getLatestAsset()
local success, assetId = pcall(function()
local latestAssetId
local assetsResponse = HttpService:RequestAsync({
Url = "https://catalog.roproxy.com/v1/search/items?category=Accessories&limit=120&sortType=3&subcategory=Accessories", -- the url
local assetsBody = HttpService:JSONDecode(assetsResponse.Body) -- get the body from our response(the body is the data that was returned)
-- next we need to see if you request to roblox api failed,
-- if so, we throw an error which will be catched by our catch block
if not assetsResponse.Success then
error(string.format("%s %s", assetsResponse.StatusCode, assetsResponse.StatusMessage)) -- throw an error with the status code and status message
local item = math.random(1,#assetsBody.data)
local assetId = assetsBody[item].id
local assetInfo = MPS:GetProductInfo(assetId, Enum.InfoType.Asset) -- end of stuff thats not working
latestAssetId = assetId
script.Parent.SurfaceGui.Frame.Creator.Text = "By "..assetInfo.Creator.Name
script.Parent.SurfaceGui.Frame.Title.Text = assetInfo.Name
script.Parent.SurfaceGui.Frame.Description.Text = assetInfo.Description
script.Parent.SurfaceGui.Frame.ImageIcon.Price.Text = assetInfo.PriceInRobux
script.Parent.SurfaceGui.Frame.ImageIcon.Image = "https://assetgame.roblox.com/Game/Tools/ThumbnailAsset.ashx?aid="..assetId.."&fmt=png&wd=420&ht=420"
return latestAssetId -- return latest assetId
if not success then
warn(string.format("Failed to get latest asset because: %s", assetId)) -- send a warning in the output to tell u request failed
print(string.format("Got latest asset. Asset id: %d", assetId)) -- print latest asset id
while true do
When running into problems like this, my suggestion is temporarily removing the pcall to check for errors in your scripts.
local item = math.random(1, #assetsBody.data)
local assetId = assetsBody.data[item].id
local assetInfo = MPS:GetProductInfo(assetId, Enum.InfoType.Asset)
You forgot to index the ‘data’ table, you also need to index the item’s ‘id’ member in order to retrieve its ID.
After implementating these fixes I received the following warning ‘attempt to index nil with ‘Parent’’ (because I’m lacking the necessary instances).