Can surface light not be square and can you do more complex lighting?

What to achive: More complex lighting or a workaround for this

Issue: surface light are always rectangular

What have been tried: diving the light into multiple smaller surface light, using other kinds of light, unions, meshes - none of this either produce a similar result or one with lighting glitching or stacking.

What I am making: a building of a weird shape:



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can someone please help or say something about this? I can’t seem to find a work around for this!

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If you just increase the angle of the surface light and give it distance you cant really tell its rectangular. Otherwise use point lights in addition. Its hard to give more advice when we dont know exactly what you want to achieve.

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What I want to achive is for it to not clip outside of the building and go like this


I think I have an idea, use decals

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Instead of having the surface light emit from above the lights on that ceiling, place surface or point lights inside the light parts… they shouldnt clip Iike this.

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the way it lits the ceiling is weird, it’s either lit or not

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but I think using decals should hopefully work, you usually use them to make realistic flashlights but it does prevent light too


ok no it still doesn’t work, this seems to be more complicated than I actually thought it would be :confused:

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I never use Surface lights because of a few reasons including this. There is no great way to get around this, and shadows with Surface lights are really pixilated.