I am using PhysicsService to make enemies walk through the player. However, the camera still zooms in front of them when they get in the way. As demonstrated in this gif:
This gets extremely annoying and I’ve had to put up with this for years. I have no idea if there’s a way to make the camera ignore parts who have the same parent as a Humanoid, and I was about to post about it in feature requests, but I’d thought I’d ask around first to make sure it wasn’t already possible. So, is it possible?
Honestly I have no idea how in the world you could do this, but I remember on one of the games that roblox made there is a pirate, island game that when the camera gets close to a object the object turns transparent. I guess you could look in there and see that script, it might work for your game if you take knowledge from that.
The camera script uses :GetLargestCutoffDistance() to determine how far to “zoom in” the camera when there is something between the camera’s focus and the camera itself.
The camera will ignore any instance between itself and its focus if:
Any PVInstance specified in the ignoreList (including it’s descendants) will be ignored.
BaseParts that have no collision are ignored.
BaseParts whose Transparency is > 0.95 will be ignored.
You can probably try making the zombie’s body parts (except the HumanoidRootPart!) CanCollide = false in order to fix this issue. You can also go into the camera’s code itself and pass an ignore list which contains all your zombies to :GetLargestCutoffDistance() (it’s under the script named PopperCam)