Can This Be Uploaded?

Hey I Was Wondering If I Can Upload A Mesh Like This

Does This Break ToS?

And Is This The Wrong Category?

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why would this not get accepted? I don’t see anything bad in this mesh.

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It looks fine to me, nothing really wrong with it.

This could be interrupted as inappropriate, as the moustache could depict a dictator from the 1930s-1940s (not going to name them), though I’m sure this is not your meaning for the creation of the mesh.


I know who it depicts and now seeing it like that, it does seem a bit inappropriate for Roblox. The mouth should be a bit rounded and moved up a bit.

I can’t see anything wrong, I mean the mods don’t exactly refer to pics of dictators or history textbooks before approving it. I doubt if kids on Roblox would exactly study it.

Note: This is just a opinion from me and not confirmed by mods.

I don’t see any reason why this would not be acceptable…