Can this Logo get a copyright strike? [HELP]

I previously made this post : Logos and Copyright Strikes. [HELP]

I asked whether using an original Football Club’s icon would count as copyright and the good majority said that it does. So what I did was that I worked on some concept icons that would convey the same meaning but look fairly different.

Example :
Barcelona -
Original : image
Mine : image

Real Madrid -
Original : image
Mine : image

I wanted to know whether these logos I made are fine, they are made from scratch and I tried to use darker colours are mine if that makes a difference.

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It can be easily argued that your logos are intentionally copying on the original logos.

I am not a lawyer, but I believe this would fall under Fair Use so long as you are not using your modified logos commercially (to make money).

I would err on the safer side and just not.


I think this will get copyrighted as you are using a logo designed by someone else and just putting text over it

Thanks for sharing your opinion :slight_smile:

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Errr, I think you didn’t read the post well?

Mandatory not-a-copyright-lawyer disclaimer.

You’re only really modifying the shape of the emblems’ outline instead of changing anything within them, which I would say is very copyright strike-prone under most circumstances. It’s not easy to come up with original emblems as complex as these, but creating original content requires far more modification than this.

@WonderfulDoob2 the unofficial logos were designed by L3AGLE, watermarked for protection.


I just thought even the smallest change would protect me. It’s not easy at all, I don’t even know how I am going to pull it off to be honest.

Thanks for sharing your opinion :slight_smile:

My argument would be pretty much what @ElliottLMz said.
The tip I would give you, instead of recreating the emblem, recreate the logo but it has some sort of funny joke in it. For example,

Real Thing:

The Not Real Thing:


I actually made one for Manchester not too long ago check it out :

Your best bet is to create your own clubs, your own logos, your own players etc. Otherwise you are effectively stealing the brand. You could potentially used for example the Manchester united logo as long as you changed the text to something else and modified the image.

Alternatively you could email the copyright holder and ask for permission to use their logos, explaining clearly that you plan to monetise of them.


Depending on the direction of your game, I would say it’s safe to recreate Madrid’s text design but with a fictional club name like FCRBX. In short, changes to make something fair use can be small, but they must focus on what is identifiable as intellectual property and not the other details.

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I would do that but imagine emailing every Club for their permission, I’d rather use my own clubs at that point.

Also, Yes the Manchester United Logo looks pretty good but the Barcelona one is pretty kind of similar-ish but the layout and colour schemes are different and no words are included.

I wanted to include the Barcelona and Real Madrid ones because they’re arguably the ones I had to make similar-ish to the original.

What would you say about this one :

That would be allowed as far as im concerned.

Just don’t use the club’s name.

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Yes, that looks fine. It is thematically similar to Manchester’s emblem but is an entirely unique design.

EDIT: supposedly, color palettes cannot be protected under copyright, though I’ve still heard of a few incidents regarding this.

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Will do, what if I had to remove for example the ball on my Barca Logo?

I can’t say for sure if the ball’s design itself can be protected under copyright, but it specifically being there probably can. You can either remove it or replace it, and I would change the colors behind it. Rotating the pattern is also a good idea.

Another key point I will add is that if you find yourself copying and pasting any elements, it already breaches copyright protection.


Hmm I will try to figure it out.

Thanks a lot dude. You’ve been very helpful

Thanks to anyone who shared their opinions as well :slight_smile:

its a grey area. It could be argued that its a copy, but at the same time the design of the outlines are completely different and could be argued that it is your own design. But for what the emblems are i don’t think that the organizations would care much if you used a variation of their emblem in a roblox game.

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Thanks for sharing your opinion :slight_smile:

I hope so.