I assume this was just an oversight. It appears that ROBLOX distributes gear based on the place’s gear allow-list in play solo, and if the place has gear disabled then your character won’t have spawn in with their gear; however, since file-based saves that aren’t uploaded to the site don’t have that setting, it looks like ROBLOX is assuming that all gear is allowed in that place. For file-based saves, ROBLOX should assume all gear is disallowed – more places disallow gear than allow it, and it really has no place in testing the functionality of the place.
I have a plugin that deletes those spurious gear on insertion as a good temporary solution. (mind the bug that comes up if you delete it immediately, you need to wait at least a frame before removing the gear after the ChildAdded!)
But yeah, this behavior is pretty frustrating. I don’t see any reason not to change it: You can get copies of the gear off of free models if you really want them. Chances are if you’re working offline you’re an experienced user that doesn’t want random gear being added to their place anyways.
[quote] Currently if your character has any gear equipped on the site, it spawns in with you when you go into Play Solo on a place not uploaded to the site:
I assume this was just an oversight. It appears that ROBLOX distributes gear based on the place’s gear allow-list in play solo, and if the place has gear disabled then your character won’t have spawn in with their gear; however, since file-based saves that aren’t uploaded to the site don’t have that setting, it looks like ROBLOX is assuming that all gear is allowed in that place. For file-based saves, ROBLOX should assume all gear is disallowed – more places disallow gear than allow it, and it really has no place in testing the functionality of the place. [/quote]
Thanks, by the way, for wielding the Laser Scythe. I made it. Whatcha think of it?
[quote] Currently if your character has any gear equipped on the site, it spawns in with you when you go into Play Solo on a place not uploaded to the site:
I assume this was just an oversight. It appears that ROBLOX distributes gear based on the place’s gear allow-list in play solo, and if the place has gear disabled then your character won’t have spawn in with their gear; however, since file-based saves that aren’t uploaded to the site don’t have that setting, it looks like ROBLOX is assuming that all gear is allowed in that place. For file-based saves, ROBLOX should assume all gear is disallowed – more places disallow gear than allow it, and it really has no place in testing the functionality of the place. [/quote]
Thanks, by the way, for wielding the Laser Scythe. I made it. Whatcha think of it?[/quote]
Most beautiful bringer of death I have ever set my eyes on. Though, would have preferred blue since that would match my getup.
Play Solo [F6] inserts your character’s held gear (annoying bug)
remove tools that didn't come from backpack (unnecessarily complex)
just wait a second after they spawn then remove tools
if game:FindFirstChild’NetworkServer’ then
print’not in solo’
function removegear(p)
local c = p.Character
while not c or not c.Parent do wait() c = p.Character end
for _,v in next, c:GetChildren() do
if v:IsA’Tool’ then
function setup(p)
if p.Character and p.Character.Parent then
removegear(p) --if the script ran after loaded characters
removegear(p) --connect the respawns
for _,p in next, game.Players:GetPlayers() do
setup(p) --if the script ran after loaded players
in a new empty place, it removes held gear on spawn fine
in a place with 50k bricks and lots of assets, it also has no problem
waiting after spawn with wait() is too small (script runs before gear is added)
waiting after spawn with wait(1) is fine, but I shrunk it to 0.5 without a hitch
Does some gear activate/ change right after it’s held in-game? If so, perhaps I should call Humanoid:UnequipTools() and then destroy that moved tool, otherwise just Destroying it might mess something up, like an automatic animation. But I can’t think of any gear that does that, right now. Halp