Can you access a youtuber subscribers count from a api?

So i am make a game for i YouTube video i am creating. And i want to make a board that can see how many subscribers i have.

Do you uave to use a proxy like ropoxy or can you access it straight from a script using Httpserivce.?


roproxy is when the service blocks roblox http requests and the proxy can bypass it, so only use it for roblox/discord requests

for everything else you use just httpservice

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I just realized i had a a miss spell but ok thank you, do you know how to do it? Otherwise ill do some research

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You’ll most likely have to obtain an API key from Google/YouTube

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just google youtube api for subcriber count

the company always has documentation on how to use their api

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You can access a YouTube subscriber count using the YouTube Data API. You can obtain an API key from the Google Cloud Console. The YouTube API provides a free quota of 10,000 units per day, with each subscriber count request costing 1 unit. There is no fee for the API key itself, but if you exceed the free quota, you will need to pay for additional usage.

If you plan to use the API for commercial purposes, such as in a monetized Roblox game, you may need additional permissions per Google’s API Terms of Service.

--best guess, not tested

local HttpService = game:GetService("HttpService")

local URL = "" .. CHANNEL_ID .. "&key=" .. API_KEY

local success, response = pcall(function()
    return HttpService:GetAsync(URL)

if success then
    local data = HttpService:JSONDecode(response)
    if data.items and data.items[1] and data.items[1].statistics then
        print("Subscribers: " .. data.items[1].statistics.subscriberCount)
    print("Failed to fetch data")

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