Can you change the roblox icon in the top left corner?

I’m pretty sure I’ve saw people who have managed to disable the roblox icon in the top left corner. Is it possible to remove it or even just change the image in it?

I’m guessing if this is the right section for this question since it is technically UI related. Thanks :slight_smile:


You can remove it by doing game:GetService("StarterGui"):SetCoreGuiEnabled(Enum.CoreGuiType.All, false)

I don’t think you can change the icon of the coreGUI but you can disable it and make your own custom one.


The menu icon can’t be disabled because it can frustrate younger players who aren’t aware of how to open the menu without pressing the bright, shiny, Roblox icon. You can post a feature request to change the icon to a new design that contrasts with a smaller amount of UI styles, like the hamburger symbol.


No you can’t remove the Roblox icon in the top left corner (or what used to be the hamburger). Removing that icon makes it impossible for mobile players to leave the game, since they don’t have an “esc” button. Many younger kids also do not use the “esc” button, and instead rely on the “Leave” button in the menu that pops up when you click the Roblox icon. Another reason is that the Roblox icon is the only way a player can change their settings, like volume and graphics level. Removing it would also cause an issue with people not able to change their settings while in-game. Lastly, the Roblox icon is there for branding, before the topbar was changed to the current one there was no branding of Roblox in games whatsoever, unless the creator added a logo. Now, they are forcing it into all games so that people know that it is Roblox and Roblox will get some credit for the game.