Hey people of the developer forum, i seek answers for my question.
Can you delete portfolios? I have 2 portfolios and i realised i don’t need them due to reasons
I want to remake my portfolio. Am i allowed to do that? If so, what do i do?
Hey people of the developer forum, i seek answers for my question.
Can you delete portfolios? I have 2 portfolios and i realised i don’t need them due to reasons
I want to remake my portfolio. Am i allowed to do that? If so, what do i do?
If you want to delete your topics, click on the 3 dots at the bottom right corner of your post. Then, you should see a trash can icon, or something, that allows you to delete your topic.
Sorry if i misworded my post but if i do try delete a portfolio is says i need to flag it. I am asking if it is necessary to do so? Or should i just edit the portfolio?
You shouldn’t need to flag it. I’ve never had to flag anything to delete my post. I even tested it with my reply, you don’t need to flag it.
(I have removed my other post as this one better explains the process of deleting topic)
You can delete your replies on your own without flagging them by clicking the trash can button. When posting topics these is a small period after posting it allowing you to delete the topic in case you posted it accidentally. After that period has passed you wont be able to delete your topic.
Forum leadership don’t want people deleting their topics because they could contain valuable information other forum users can refer to. The only reason why a topic should be deleted/locked and unlisted is if it contains content that is against the forum rules.
If you want your topic deleted you should either flag it and explain in the “Something else” section why you want it deleted; or message the Community sage group asking them to delete it. Alternatively, in your case you could just edit your current portfolio with the content that you were going to put in your new portfolio as portfolios should be updated to display new content rather than making a new one each time.
To delete a post you have to flag it up for forum staff, you can only delete your post in a certain ammount of time, I’m pretty sure its an hour.
By the way your post will only be deleted if you give good enough reasons. Otherwise there is no reason for the thread to be closed