Can you detect birthdates of a player?

This is nothing super important but is there a possible way to detect a players birth date I’m pretty sure that’s an invasion of privacy and Roblox probably wouldn’t permit it, but I just thought I would ask to make sure. What I was planning on doing was making it so when it’s your birthday and you log in to my game it will give you extra in-game cash.


No, you’re not able to detect player’s birthdays because it’s against ToS and for the sake of the privacy of the children on here. You can use the players’ join date for your system or the day they joined your game.


This question has been asked many times before, please search before posting. You cannot access a player’s birthdate, that’s PII (personally identifiable information) and developers are not permitted to store or work with PII. Use the time when they first joined the game instead.


I’m pretty sure there isn’t and shouldn’t be an API endpoint that gives player’s personal info like that to other people.

Filtering as a determiner for age is extremely unreliable, and it’s not like Roblox only prohibits you from collecting it from minors. You can’t ask for birthdate, regardless of 13+ status, period.

No, you may not detect birthdates of a player. It’s private information.

If you’re just looking to see if a player is over 13 or not, you can use TextFilterResult | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub and filter a 13-only phrase. However, obviously this is not the most accurate, and you can only make assumptions on if a player is 13 or not by their chat status.

I thought so, was just making sure