Can you edit tweeninfo?

So I made a simple GUI tween where a position of a tween get tweened when called.

I am also messing with how fast it goes and for different buttons instead of creating multiple tween I want to edit the tween info on how fast it can go.
heres the code:

local tweenInfo =

local tween = TweenService:Create(script.Parent.TextLabel, tweenInfo, {Position =, 0, 0.99, 0)})


The TweenInfo context and the number 2 (higher is number slower it tweens) declares a tween how fast it go.

I want to change the number depending on what I tween, if that’s possible in any way

You have to declare the numbers in array for instance and then check which part is declared with which number and you just get a number from an array and create tween with this number.