Is it possible?
Well that’s pretty straight-foward. BindableEvents / Functions can work between LocalScripts as well as ServerScripts, both LocalScripts will just need a reference to the same BindableEvent. I would insert it into ReplicatedStorage, so that LocalScripts can access it easily.
Here is an example where one LocalScript gives another LocalScript a message to print out:
-- LocalScript 1
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local bindableEvent = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("BindableEvent")
bindableEvent:Fire("Hello, world!")
-- LocalScript 2
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local bindableEvent = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("BindableEvent")
local function OnEvent(message)
print(message) --> Hello, world!
i placed two local scripts in starterpack and a bindable event and when i went to test it printed nothing
Where did you put the BindableEvent
replicated storage
Did you name it “BindableEvent” or just “Event”?
if it was named Event it woudlve just say InfiniteYield
Works fine for me. You probably did something incorrect.
i forgot the task.wait xd
I believe it is partly my fault since I didn’t specify the event won’t connect instantly. If you are not firing it immediately then you can leave out the task.wait()