Can you get banned for uncopylocked games

So Booga Booga is infamous for being uncopylocked everywhere after Soybeen quit, but whenever you try to edit it, your account gets banned for different reasons once you publish or save to file

Is it because of malicious scripts or does Roblox protect the assets used? Does it depend on the type of game?
It’s strange because there’s plenty of “safe” fangames like Reborn or Olympics in the past

I’ll be deleting this post soon


What is the ban message when you publish it? It might be possible that Roblox thinks its spam.

woah, its really uncopylocked? i gotta read the scripts of that game.

It’s probably because roblox thinks you stole it with cheats.


I personally really think that it was a very nice gesture towards new developers for Soybeen to do that. (I saw some message that he said about it)

I need to look at the code again lol. (Now that I can comprehend Lua lol)

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I ACTUALLY got my old account banned for the exact reason, booga booga uncopylocked files, ive uploaded them and got instantly terminated,

and obviously the account owner is terminated, but the game is up

i will try logging into the account to show the ban message

note: i used google translator since it was all on portuguese, but the moderator note is by roblox itself translation

fun fact: i’ve got 2 mains (not 1) banned for the same reason, yet a different game uncopylock

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@trolled_empyrean look at the message above, thats the msg that you get whenever you upload those type of games (or if you already looked up on google)

i think it was open-sourced due to booga olympics (one of those admin games where you get exclusive items) getting way more players than the original

ExplorationRealmRBXL.rbxl (2.8 MB)
this is a modified 2019 booga booga, you mainly get terminated for uploading 2020+ i think
since you wanted to look at the code try creating an alt first

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you can get past that kind of detection by just changing how the game looks

the biggest flag was probably the assets themselves, just uploading “Snelly” got me a warning on a burner account, but it was probably just chance
i also removed every mention of Booga and Soybeen using Ctrl + Shift + F