I couldn’t find a clear answer to this anywhere, so I am going to ask here.
Can your roblox account be penalised for uploading music, if let’s say the music is copyrighted? I have gotten permission from some people to upload music but if roblox flags it as copyright my account is probably still under potential risk, so what should I do?
To the extent of my knowledge, I don’t think anyone got banned for uploading copyrighted audio, they just got their audio deleted.
There may be a risk involved, but if you want to stay safe, I suggest to just wait for permission to use the music.
Okay, thank you very much, I will see if anyone else says the same first before I make a decision
Yes, you can
If you upload copyrighted content, your account wont get penalized at first. If you continue uploading copyrighted audios (whether if its the same audio or not), you will get a 1-Day ban which will increase overtime if you continue uploading copyrighted audios.
You can upload a copyrighted audios if and only if the length of the audio is between less than 6 seconds.
Quick note: Roblox can detect if the audio has been slowed down, pitch down/up in order to try to avoid copyright takedowns.