Can you get banned for uploading real-world decals? it happened before

so i’m making a loadsamoney-type item, like something from item aslyum, and was wondering about the tos regarding uploading these kind of meshes. even though it’s not breaking anything i don’t think irl stuff is good, some got banned for uploading real people

ngl i should probably hide the serial number and seal so it’s not like, counterfeiting money according to the tos. i can just draw over it and it should get approved


you cant get banned for that since its just a dollar

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and sometimes roblox bans decals because there is a face on it

yeah auto moderation sucks lol, i’ll keep this post up a little more for debate and then i’ll mark solution

yeah they dont want any real faces as decals because its unsafe or something and on dollars are faces


i’ll have to cut these out cause i legit got banned over serial numbers on a dollar once so i wanted to know
i can just mask it out in photoshop prob and again, should be approved

yeah good idea maybe censor the face just a little

i managed it to get it approved from just not chosing “upload to roblox” so i’ll just mark it as done

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