Can you get banned for using a script executor (such as Synapse) to develop your own anti-exploits?

I would strongly recommend you instead design an “emulated” version of synapse in studio rather than use a real injector. roblox sees rules as black and white and sadly no matter the context if a rule is broken they will issue bans. if you were to just script your own it would be more similar to an admin panel and would be perfectly fine.

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i thought it was already in lua

i got banned in the solara ban wave and the game that got me banned is my anti cheat game :person_shrugging:


What? Executors/Injectors are Against the ROBLOX TOS!

We do not permit users to deploy or discuss deceptive schemes or methods of cheating on our platform, including:

**Using exploits to gain an unfair advantage anywhere on the platform**
**Sharing exploits with others or encouraging others to cheat**
Selling items with misleading or inaccurate descriptions
Misrepresenting your real or virtual world identity in an effort to mislead others
Attempting to access another user’s account without their authorization
Posting misleading links for the purpose of gaining unauthorized access to others’ accounts or information, either on Roblox or elsewhere (i.e., phishing)

Technically it says “using exploits to gain an unfair advantage anywhere on the platform” but I agree with most of the people against it, never install any offsite applications that interact with the roblox client. It is dangerous and can put your account and your computer at risk.

since there’s still no solution, use my plugin :coefficients: it can simulate an exploiter environment.