Can you give feedback on how i can make my game look like it takes place in a old time period?

Training Center - Roblox (link)

I always thought that the era (1860-1870) did not match the building; if you have any advice please let me know.




Could you provide screenshots as well?

Yes sorry, I will do that now. I forgot

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I’m not really able to give you advice on how to make your build look more old or Victorian, in fact it’s quite a niche building style that I haven’t come across too much. However, when making a map, or even a building/prop, it’s helpful to use reference images from the internet. Making sure that what you are building looks like what it’s supposed to is very important, and you’ve got that part slightly already. I’m easily able to infer what your house is, albeit very simple, but I’m not able to infer what the other structure you have made is.

Something that I think will help you along the way into creating more of an atmosphere within your eventual map will be adjusting the lighting levels. Whilst I haven’t dabbed around with this sort of style, I think by adding some Fog, Blur and ColorCorrection in your lighting settings will help communicate the desired effect.

I’m going to add some of these lighting effects into the default Castle map and show you how a map can look once you add some of these effects in. Everything I show you can be done in the lighting settings and with these advanced tools.

After adding in the following effects and adjusting them slightly, you can easily create a totally different vibe in your building. I would recommend that you sort out your lighting levels and then build with them, adjusting them overtime, so that you know the colours and materials in your build will go together nicely with the lighting.

For contrast, this is what the normal build looks like without any added effects. I did add the ShadowMap lighting, as I think it looks pretty nice! :wink:

Overall, it basically depends on what you mean by the term old.
I think it’s important to know what time period you are building in, whether it’s Medieval, 1800’s America or 1950’s Russia, a lot of them look vastly different. Good luck with your building, and I hope I was able to share some cool tips with you to help improve your games aesthetics!


Thanks for the help i will try to use those tools, thanks for the help

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To make this look like an older time period, you should change the lighting up this is very plain to look at without adjusting the lighting.

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Try to add some castles and make bigger mansions.

You explained that you were trying to create an 1860 to 1870-type effect. You might be interested in looking at the game that my friend and I are currently working on - it’s called 1867. It might be right up your street!

The environment that we are building is an accurate reconstruction of Luxembourg in the year 1867. This screenshot of one of the streets might give you a taste of the style that we have adopted.

Basically, I would suggest that you use a small catalogue of your own natural-looking textures (plaster, cobbles, bricks, flintstones) to create a run-down effect for the textures of your building. Try to avoid too many right-angled buildings: make them look more haphazard. Mix larger buildings with smaller buildings, at different angles, so that the buildings look more random. Change the settings of the texture of each item (change the offset and the spread) so that no two adjacent surfaces are identical. Most importantly, study old photographs of the period and try to emulate the building style that you see. For example, this is one old photograph of Luxembourg that I personally found to be inspirational, to help me create the look that I wanted.

Just a couple of days ago, I created a YouTube channel called 1867 Luxembourg. It is my intention to upload videos of how our own particular project is progressing and (more importantly for you) I intend to add a series of building tutorials that explain how my friend and I created the effect within the game. This is the first building tutorial that I have uploaded. It explains how we used a historical map of 1867 Luxembourg to create an authentic base for our project. (There are many walk-around videos of our game to be found on this 1867 Luxembourg channel too.)

Good luck with your building. I have looked around your game and you have made a sound start. (I like the fact that you have encouraged visitors to dress in the appropriate costume, at your landing place.) Please remind me of your work and send me a link of what you have achieved, when it is all completed. I would love to see how you have fared.


Yeah, earth tones seem to give an “old-timey” kinda feel. If you use a lot of vibrant colors, you’ll lose that effect.


I guess it should look like any game in the middle age, environment has a lot of trees and roads consist mostly out of cobblestone and slate. By the way where did you get that Russian flag (1st Image on the left)?

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as @RiverBL0X and others pointed out here: I think using the right lighting and sky helps a lot, but we found making custom seamless textures and decals (making them yourself, by taking actual photographs of the stonework, walls, wood ect. if possible of the country or city that you are trying to reproduce) helps a lot to make it look realistic. Using ONLY roblox materials will make it look too ‘clean’. If you cannot make textures from photos, is a great source.


On the walls surrounding the training area I recommend removing the iron bars and possibly replacing them with upward-facing sticks or sharpened boards, but then again, it depends on who owns the fort and where it’s located. Many different countries have different building styles to their military constructions, and that style can change depending on where the construction is completed. Either way, this looks great! Good luck on your game!

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Ok i think thatas a good idea i will do that

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I saw their decals page, that i think i will use thanks

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I uploaded it myself. And i do have trees but the screenshots dont really show

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I marked this as solved. It made it all look nicer

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