Can you guys rate my first Clothing?

So I did my first Clothing on Roblox and idk what to feel about it… :sob::sob::sweat:

can you guys give me constructive criticism :heart:


shirt is pretty simplistic in nature, nothing really to criticize/suggest here
you did a really good job!
but if you want it to match with your socks, harsher shadows and wrinkles would mix pretty well!!

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Thank youuu!!! I decided to create a pants for this shirt but I don’t have the robux to post it lol

I think it’s cool but here’s some critiques

  • Maybe try and making the under shirt colar line art a little non thick;
    as well as the bottom of the under shirt

  • Also, I usually don’t use grey to shade white since it can look a little dirty,
    try a very unsaturated blue

  • The wavy texture is cool, but maybe add shading to give it more effect.

  • Also the end of the sleeves seem a lil chunky maybe thin out the line art

Other than that I really like it!

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I think it looks great, looks clean. Though a few things -

Is the wavy texture intentional? is it supposed to be how the clothing “folds” on the body or is it an actual design?

  • If it is supposed to be how it folds, I’d add shading and more dimension to it. Roblox clothing is allowed to be “flat” with textures since its blocky. Though simple adjustments and morphs to the actual pattern can help create that effect.

Lineart shouldn’t be too dark, it should blend in. If you wanted to make the collar of the shirt darker, I’d do a bolder line and shade the collar. It just gives it a more in-depth look.

Also for shading I’d do a light gray, and a dark gray because when you shade it, it will look black.

I think that is about all I noticed, besides that goodluck! c: