can you improve my map? i need less dislikes
this game
Well… The map has too many colors that don’t look good together, try choosing colors that actually fit together. And also try to improve the terrain.
Make the UI frames round and change the font, they’ll look much better!
You also have to pick a building style. Low poly or realistic. If you want to build low poly builss then make it look more simple. If you want to make it look realistic then add a lot of details.
I hope I helped.
my building style is low details
Maybe adding a little more detail to the UI? Also everything seems to be a bit all over the place and there seems to be a lot going on.
I would make it not all brown. It’s just not an appealing color
Your map should have more than just parts.
Add materials to the map, try to take away the brown color, and maybe make the floor grass.
i have done that the map is green and the floor is grass
You only have 5 dislikes and 4 likes, but you are concerned about the like/dislike ratio? That’s to less to say that people hate your game.
Make the UI look better.