Can you only sell your Items with Premium?

Can you only sell your Items with Premium?

I tried to find an answer for this topic from the official Roblox Website.
But I was not able to find an official explanation.

  • Can you only sell your own created items within your experiences if you have Premium?
  • Any differences to consider between Items and Game Passes?
  • Anything else to know about selling your own items in Roblox Games?

Thank you so much for any info and clarification on that.


I believe the only thing you can’t sell without premium is limiteds. You should be able to sell products, gamepasses, plugins, and anything else on the website or in your game without premium.


Gamepasses are one-time purchases whereas Developer Products (which I assume is what you mean by "Items) are purchasable multiple times.


Thank you so much @KdudeDev , appreciate your reply.

Hmm… I see a lot of different terms being used for all kinds of assets. I am a bit confused about all the different “naming”.

May I ask where I could find a documentation about the naming of Roblox Items?

  • For example, what are Limiteds?
  • And what items are considered as products? (Any Hard Surface Objects, like rocks, furniture, vehicles, anything non-avatar related I guess?)

thank you sooo much for your thoughts, hints and info.
sooo helpful :hugs:


@incognitobot_rblx thank you so much as well. I am a bit unsure about Game Passes. I was able to read the documentation, but still not 100% clear.

Let me try to give you an example, I guess then it’s much easier.
Let’s say I created a kit-bash system for a specific environment, that contains Landscape Items, like Rocks, Foliage, Trees, Hard-Surface Models, and PBR Materials.

These items (assuming now, the correct term is Developer Products) would fall into a category to be sold with a Game Pass, correct?

Because the player would only buy it once, and then would own these assets forever.
Hope my “example” explanation helps a bit more for clarification.

Thank you soooo much! :hugs:


Products/Developer Products are repeatable purchase in games, you’d normally use these as a way to buy currency like gems.

Gamepasses are one time purchases in games, these would be something like a VIP pass, double money, etc.

Limiteds are accessories wearable by players that can be traded and sold for Robux, these aren’t related to games.

Plugins are normally free but can be sold for Robux, these are in the Plugins tab in Studio and help with development.

What you’re trying to sell is game assets, which aren’t sellable on the Roblox platform. You would need to find people willing to buy your pack on off-platform places such as Discord servers or Twitter.

You can also use the Talent Hub to get hired for work, but you aren’t allowed to sell pre-made assets there, its for getting hired and creating assets for the employer specifically.


I am pretty sure it would be considered a gamepass, yes.


@KdudeDev thank you so much, your explanation is super helpful.

to sum this up:
A Game Pass can’t be used to sell Game Assets. Simply, because all Game Assets on the Roblox Marketplace are for free, correct?

In general, 3D Assets can’t be sold on the Roblox Marketplace with the exception of Avatar items that would fit within the catalog categories, which includes to my understanding the following four categories:

  1. Clothing
  2. Accessories (=Limiteds)
  3. Heads
  4. Animations

Furthermore, do you need to be a member of the UGC Program to be able to sell any items within these four categories?***

Game Pass:
To continue with the Game Pass and perhaps a more illustrative example. Let’s say you create a game, an experience called Hotel Tycoon. You could sell a Game Pass to players, that would like to stay in a very special Suite or Pent House of that Hotel, that contains special features. And to give them access to that special room, a Game Pass would be a good choice to allow the player to access this special place “forever”.

I guess that’s the significant difference to Developer Products.
Hmm… but still unclear about that.
What can be considered as typical examples of Developer Products?

Plugins seem to be the only “direct sellable option” that would serve Creators on the Roblox Platform. to Help Creators building their games and experiences.

Game Assets:
any other game assets you create (3d models, materials, audio files, vfx) can only be sold outside the Roblox Universe - which doesn’t seem to be easy to do so outside of the Roblox Universe.

From my understanding, regarding the policies, creators are not allowed to link from their games/experiences to platforms outside of Roblox. I guess that is considered a violation of the Terms of use.

As far as I know, Hyperlinks are not even possible. I am assuming it’s about leaving a text note inside the game, mentioning to visit a homepage outside the Roblox Universe.

Does this actually also count for Videos and Audio Files, in which you could mention to visit a website outside of the Roblox Universe?

ohh wow, this was a lot. But thanks to all you your information… I guess I was able to cover a lot.

Thanks for everyone, all your input, ideas and thoughts on this.
I really appreciate that!

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Classic clothing (shirts, pants and tshirts) can be sold freely, but 3d clothing, accessories, etc. require being a UGC member, which you must apply for. You can’t sell animations.

You got gamepasses down pretty good. For a hotel game, a developer product could be something like in game money. Dev products are purchases you can do multiple times basically.

You can’t link anything offsite on Roblox, the only places you can are social links under games, groups, and profiles, which can link Youtube, Twitch, Twitter, etc.

You can’t upload videos to Roblox yet, and mentioning offsite links in an audio could get it moderated.

I recommend the Talent Hub for you right now, and advertising your work on Twitter.


thank you @KdudeDev appreciate all the info and your thoughts.

I guess the “classic clothing” you mentioned, does not include the Layered Clothing, right?
I thought for all Layered Clothing assets, you have to be UGC member?

And I thought accessories… this is the category you can actually create and sell items without being a UGC member? Like Hats or sunglasses, etc. or is this not correct?

about videos… I thought videos are not possible. At least, I can find some videos now as well on the marketplace.

Yes, I think mentioning offsite links in audio or video would be pretty much considered the same as mentioning on a billboard a website.

But one thing, that still doesn’t make any sense to me.

Let’s say you created a Game Pass. I read the documentation about the Game Pass. But there is no explanation, how you assign certain priviliges to players?

For example:
let’s say, you purchase a game pass to enter a specific luxury room. How can the creator assign the key? lol; I mean, somehow when the purchase was made… the player needs to “teleport” to that space, or somehow the player needs to be granted access to that special event.

I wonder how the player will get there?

in the documentation is nothing that would “practically” explain how to set this up as a creator?

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Yes, classic clothing does not include layered clothing. Layered clothing and accessories like hats or sunglasses require UGC to upload.

Gamepass functions are done through coding, mainly UserOwnsGamepassAsync()

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yes, so the Gamepass code functions do make sense. Basically, the code will check if a player obtained the pass and then it will grant access to a special place or event.

But where do you specify the trigger to “unlock” that special feature?
I can’t find any example in the documentation!

For illustration:
I would like to create a Gamepass to unlock a special room or to teleport the player to a hidden location within the game.

The documentation does not explain where and how to “trigger” the feature?

Basically, the Script needs to check if the Player has the Gamepass.
if this is true → unlock a specific door or teleport the player to a secret hidden location.

  1. Where do you define that?
  2. Server Script or Local Script?
  3. Where does this script have to live within the Explorer Hierachy?
  4. Is it required to have a “specific” name for that script?
  5. etc.

Hmm… practical code examples with demo place files would be the best I guess.
But yes, any hints, thoughts and ideas to get this done are highly appreciated.

thank you so much :hugs:

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premium is need only for resell on the website

(edit: it has already answered, big L for me)


I’d recommend watching some tutorials and reading documentation about Luau, it seems like your a beginner so they might help.

Normally gamepass detection would be held in a server script, in ServerScriptService. You can name scripts whatever you’d like, but you should name it something related to what its doing so its easier to organize.

It depends how you want the player to access the room, do they walk to a specific point? Do they press a button?

If you want them to teleport when they touch a part, you can use Touched on the part, and check if they own the gamepass, then if they do you teleport them.

Part.Touched:Connect(function(Hit) --Hit is the character part that touched the part
    if game.Players:FindFirstChild(Hit.Parent.Name) --If what was hit truly was a character then
        local Player = game.Players:FindFirstChild(Hit.Parent.Name)
        --from here, use the player and UserOwnsGamepassAsync to find if they own the gamepass
        --if they do own the gamepass, Hit.Parent:PivotTo(VIPRoomCFrame)
        --VIPRoomCFrame would be the CFrame you want them to teleport to
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According to the Roblox Support page, only accounts with a membership can participate in reselling items. Additionally, only items marked as Limited or Limited U are able to be resold1. However, it is possible to sell other items such as clothing or accessories without a Premium membership2.

In terms of differences between selling Items and Game Passes in Roblox, Game Passes allow you to charge a one-time Robux fee for players to access special privileges within an experience, such as entry to a restricted area, an in-experience avatar item, or a permanent power-up3. On the other hand, Items can be sold multiple times and can include things like potions, temporary power-ups, or in-experience currency3.

When it comes to selling your own items in Roblox Games, there are several things to keep in mind. First, you need to make sure that the item meets the requirements for being sold (i.e. it is marked as Limited or Limited U if you have a Premium membership)( [You also need to be careful when setting your sale price, as Roblox will not be able to reverse the transaction if you set the wrong price and the item sells](
( Additionally, Robux earned from sales are held in pending status before being released for you to use(

Thank you so much. I got the ServerScriptService Code working.

But what doesn’t work, is the provided code example from the documentation page.
The Example with the Client Side Script:

local MarketplaceService = game:GetService("MarketplaceService")
local Players = game:GetService("Players")

local passID = 000000000  -- Here I use my Pass ID
-- Function to prompt purchase of the Pass
local function promptPurchase()
	local player = Players.LocalPlayer
	local hasPass = false

	local success, message = pcall(function()
		hasPass = MarketplaceService:UserOwnsGamePassAsync(player.UserId, passID)

	if not success then
		warn("Error while checking if player has pass: " .. tostring(message))

	if hasPass then
		print("You already OWN that PASS")-- Player already owns the Pass; tell them somehow
		-- Player does NOT own the Pass; prompt them to purchase
		print("GET THE PASS NOW")
		MarketplaceService:PromptGamePassPurchase(player, passID)

I added the code to a

When I click the Part, and the Player doesn’t own the Pass, nothing happens, nothing is prompted.
What am I missing here?

Could you send the full local script? That code should be working but something might be wrong elsewhere

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I thought that in order to get DevEx payouts that you needed to have a premium subscription. Is this no longer the case?

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Thank you so much, I attached my .rbxl place file that contains it all.

Game_Pass_Test.rbxl (59.3 KB)

The LocalScript on the Part that serves as a button isn’t prompting the Game Pass Purchase.
But not sure why… hmmm…

It’s a good question, and I am still confused about this. I guess at one point, I do need to create a table that lists what we can do without Premium and with Premium.