As the title implies, I am wondering if you can create your own script executor or injector/download one in order to use it on your own game and understand how to patch it? I have tried creating my own “exploit executor” gui within the game to try and simulate the effects of a real executor, but it does not have all of the features that a real executor might have.
Doing this “white hat” testing on my own game would help me better understand how to fight exploits in my game and see what events might be being used. Would I be able to do this without risking my account? Thanks
Exploiting is not allowed regardless of intention, and if you need to own an exploit you’re likely doing it to test client-sided checks, which will be bypassed effortlessly.
Future reference, while an exploit has access to a higher level of environment then the Roblox client typically would (and some exploits have custom functions) if you’re in studio you can use the command bar to execute client sided scripts while playing the game, it’s not practical and I haven’t really done this when checking security, but it is an option.
I would use InCommand. Again, it doesn’t come with those custom functions you might be talking about, but chances are you won’t really need those anyway.
Every exploit has dozens of custom functions, and those functions are what makes it powerful, otherwise they wouldn’t have full control of client-side, making it way too easy to prevent exploiters. Command bar doesn’t have any of that function so it’s kinda pointless, since it can only help you test basic anti-cheat which can be bypassed by some universal scripts.
Globally used exploits usually rely on their script execution, which gives exploiters the ability to see objects inside client accessible services, pre-made commands are mostly the same.
(flying, walkspeed and jump power changing, gravity etc…)