Can you secure client sided remote events somehow?

So I heard people do checks on the server for server sided remote events so exploiters can’t just give themselves like 1000 cash or however amount. But with a Client sided Remote Event you can’t really do checks on it since exploiters have full control over the client.

So is there somehow a way to secure a client sided remote event? I haven’t really seen anybody ask this question yet and I been thinking about this for quite a while, would this even be possible?

Logically thinking no. Exploiters have full access over the client and they can easily bypass the anti-cheat/security on client. The only way to secure remotes is on server.

So is there a point of using client sided remote events then if exploiters can easily just manipulate the code?

Well remote events are clientsided and serversided at the same time. You can send information from server to client and from client to server. What matters is where you send the data from. For an example, if you use RemoteFunctions and :InvokeClient() the client, then the exploiter would be able to return anything as a value. Same here with RemoteEvents, exploiters are able to pass anything as the arguments of a remote to the server using :FireServer(). That’s why you always do serversided checks on the data you receive from a specific remote.

So there is no way to do Server sided checks on a client based remote event?

Well here is the deal, if you will do remote events, always do it from client to server, and use as little information on the client script, since exploiters can read client scripts.

However, they cant read server scipts that are in ServerScriptService.

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