Can you stop an animation from moving the character if it moves without the humanoidrootpart without anchoring the humanoidrootpart?

i really have no idea, and i dont really want to play with the character’s collisions, but i will if its necessary

you mean stop animation if humanoidrootpart not moving with character?
if its local script so:

local plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local char = plr.Character

    if speed > 15 then
        if char.HumanoidRootPart.Position ~= char.Torso.Position then
            char.Torso.CFrame.Position = char.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame.Position

I dont sure that this working code but check it, that code will return your character back to HumanoidRootPart if HumanoidRootPart sent back

no, if the animation has a lot of movement, for example character rolling forward, like in an animation, not necessarily made for a game, when the torso touches the ground, it bumps the character up a little, and after the animation ends, the character returns to the hrp
but if the hrp is anchored, that bumping up doesnt happen, because the hrp cant move, i dont have any animation to show you this, but i can record something quickly for demonstration

really dont have any other way to show you this, but as you can see, the player moves because of the animation, but if the hrp was anchored, he wouldnt have, any way to replicate the effect of not moving while also not anchoring the hrp?

It will be silly idea but

  1. Create new Variable - PrevSpeed = Humanoid.WalkSpeed
  2. After That Set Humanoid.WalkSpeed = 0
  3. Check Is Animation playing If not AnimationName.IsPlaying then
  4. If true then Huamnoid.WalkSpeed = PrevSpeed
  5. if false then else wait()

have it worked? @ProPlayerCookie?

didnt try, just gave up on that animation after finding out in doesnt really work with what im trying to do, thanks for the help though