Can you transfer a folder with models to another place with TeleportData?

Simple question. Can you transfer a Folder with models to another place with TeleportData so that I can use this folder in another place. I am asking this because the DevHub does not clarify the limitations to TeleportData.


local Guns = TeleportService:GetLocalPlayerTeleportData()[1]
If not, are there any other ways to do this instead of copying and pasting the folder to the place because I will be updating the folder by adding new guns to it.

I dont think you can send it like that unless you serialize it

you could try a different way by uploading your folder to a model so when your server gets the model it can check to see if it has new guns to use

InsertService | Roblox Creator Documentation

Does that mean I have to update that model on the roblox website once if add a new gun right

yea you could update it and then on the server load the folder every couple minutes and replace the old one with the new one

you should be able to keep the model private and still load it from your own game

local IntervalInMinutes = 2
local AssetID = 000000

local GunsFolder ="Folder")
GunsFolder.Name = "Guns"
GunsFolder.Parent = game:GetService("ServerStorage")
local IS = game:GetService("InsertService")

function LoadAsset(_AssetID, parent, _unpack)
	local Asset = nil
	local s, e = pcall(function()
		Asset = IS:LoadAsset(_AssetID)
	if not s then print("Failed to update guns."..e and e or "") return nil end
	if _unpack then
		for _, v in pairs(Asset:GetChildren()[1]:GetChildren()) do
			v.Parent = parent and parent or workspace
		Asset:GetChildren()[1].Parent = parent and parent or workspace

while 1 do
	LoadAsset(AssetID, GunsFolder, true)

upload your guns as a model (not a folder), then change the AssetId