Can you use a Local Script for Proximity Prompts?

So this is my first time really touching the Proximity Prompts and I can’t seem to get a local script to work for the Proximity Prompt. It works perfectly fine using a server script but when I switch to local scripts it doesn’t error or anything. It simply doesn’t work.

local bankgui = require(game.ReplicatedStorage.Source.Controllers.PlayerBankPanel)




That’s all I have code-wise, so I don’t know what’s happening. I’ve tried to add a print to see if it even triggers and it doesn’t.

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It works just fine using local scripts, some events like PromptHidden and PromptShown only works with local scripts. Be sure the local script is in the right location.

It’ll work in the workspace as long as it’s in the character model.


LocalScripts won’t run in Workspace. You’ll need to move this to PlayerScripts and change script.Parent to reference the ProximityPrompt.

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Right, I completely forgot about that.