Canary Islands: 22/09/2024 Update Log

:station: What’s new?

:railway_car: New train system, train go to stations every 5 minutes and you can get in to travel to other parts of the map.

:framed_picture: New museum on the Train Station Headquarters, with the old trains models.

:busts_in_silhouette: Tutorial for new players has been added, this includes ingame icons on interactions and game tips interface. You can disable these interfaces clicking on dissmiss button.

:keyboard: New interaction prompts UI style added to the game.

:world_map: Minimap UI has been added and with other information like weather, hour and health.

:cloud_with_lightning_and_rain: New weather system: 5 different weather events added to the game: Sunny, cloudy, storm, raining and show

Check all these features in the game!