CanaryUI - A modern UI pack for your games


v1.0.0 (1)

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CanaryUI is a UI pack (hence the name) made for modern games or just modern UI in general. I have created designs for all classes, with support for dark and light theme. There really isn’t much else to say here, but it does come with an API module. This module includes ways to set the theme of individual objects and to be able to set the state of buttons. (bold, primary, disabled)

Should I use this over my own UI?

I won’t say you should or shouldn’t. It’s really up to you and the style of your game. If it’s modern and can handle the style I have provided then totally go for it.


Dark theme:

Light theme (i suffered):

Hey! I like this! But this needs fixing:

You should always reply here to post any bugs or feature requests so other forum members can evaluate if it’s worth it.


Thanks for reading my post as always. I hope that you like this UI pack and use it in your games! :heart:

Will you use this UI pack?
  • Sure!
  • No thanks!
  • Maybe later!

0 voters


I like it, clean and simple. A couple personal choices I would’ve done are:

  • Not using such a light text color for the caption and description.
  • Making the title and caption a little closer to each other
  • Adding different effects to spice it up (smooth hover, click ripples?)

Other than that I like it.


Not a big fan of this change, but could add a new description type to here the text is darker than the caption.

Gonna have to pass on this one.

I could do this sometime down the road but don’t expect it.


this looks really clean! i recommend you to make ui template like premade ui


looks pretty good and i have no complaints, wont use though because i don’t have much use for it. good job on it


Very nice I will be planning on using this!


Looks pretty good if you ask me!


It makes the UI for Event Room more clean and modernized