function drawWall:StartPlacingWall(player, mouse)
local playersPlot = workspace.Plots:FindFirstChild(player.Name)
if playersPlot then
local renderStepped
local wall ='Model', playersPlot.CameraPart)
wall.Name = 'Wall'
local pole1 = createPole:Pole('Pole1', wall)
local pole2
local wallPart
local click
local nope
local generateWall
local lowerX, upperX, lowerZ, upperZ = checkBase:GetBaseSize(playersPlot.Base)
local renderStepped = runService.RenderStepped:Connect(function()
renderPosition:Render(playersPlot, mouse.Hit.p, pole1, lowerX, upperX, lowerZ, upperZ)
click = mouse.Button1Down:Connect(function()
pole2 = createPole:Pole('Pole2', wall)
local renderStepped = runService.RenderStepped:Connect(function()
renderPosition:Render(playersPlot, mouse.Hit.p, pole2, lowerX, upperX, lowerZ, upperZ)
nope = mouse.Button1Up:connect(function()
if pole2.CFrame ~= pole1.CFrame then
pole1.Transparency = 0
pole2.Transparency = 0
wallPart.Transparency = 0
if click then
placing:FireServer('Wall', pole1.CFrame, pole2.CFrame)
self:StartPlacingWall(player, mouse)
I have this in a module (I’ve cut a lot out as I don’t want people stealing all of it, but basically runs like how the Sims wall placement works. You click, drag, it places a wall and it runs the function again ( so you dont have to keep clicking ‘Place wall’ for the function to run) so the self:StartPlacingWall(player, mouse) obviously runs the function again.
That works fine and dandy, but a problem that I’ve just noticed is cancelling. When a player cancel placement, I destroy the ‘placing part’ which is like a transparent part to show where the thing would be placed. However if you happen to click, it still places down the wall. Reason being is that even though they’ve cancelled the placement, the function above is still running.
function cancel:Cancel(cameraPart)
That’s the cancel function (run in a seperate module)
[attempt to index field ‘StartPlacingWall’ (a function value)] on line 3 of the cancel function. I’m not sure what I am doing wrong, but is there a way to cancel the function after it’s already been running? I’m trying to think of how to do this in the best way possible (as in the future, there’s gonna be more modules for different placement, like paths, windows, furniture, etc.) and I dont wanna have to go through every single module and cancel the function.
I put it into a GIF to hopefully a little more sense as it’s kinda hard to explain.
As you can from the GIF, you click wall, you can place wall, works good. Then when you click cancel the pole disappears, which is what should happen. But then, after I’ve left edit mode and I click, I can place the parts, as the function was still running (just without the transparent pole being there.