i tried to make flamethrower and it works perfectly fineđź‘Ť
but theres one problem with the parts
even tho its cancollide false to all parts and meshes(and also anchored false)
is there a way to fix this?
i tried to make flamethrower and it works perfectly fineđź‘Ť
but theres one problem with the parts
is there a way to fix this?
Turn all the parts massless to fix this unbalanced behavior.
it works! thanks
say, what massless do in parts?
All parts by default has a mass, if you imbalance the entire model’s mass by adding more to one side, the resulting effect is this. You know how physics work, do you?
so like the parts will fall with gravity in wrokspace.Gravity
That’s not exactly the point. Gravity does not affect mass(but it does it in another way). The mass affects the assembly of things.
What @anon81993163 means is that if one side of a structure is more heavy than the other side, then it becomes unstable and collapses etc. This is because of the center of mass, which basically means the mass is distributed to the whole object and that the where the weighted relative position of the distributed mass adds to zero.
screenshot to help you if you don’t understand.
the blue = mass distributed throughout the object
red = center of mass, the point where the center is located and it is balanced, giving all the isosceles triangles between the blue blocks are all equal in mass.