Candle Café - Main Handbook

:cake:Welcome to the official Candle Cafe handbook!
:pushpin: Candle Cafe Group

:cookie:[ABOUT US]
Candle Café is the ideal eatery. It was founded by Aria (kencole). We aim to provide the best food and service possible. We exclusively sell the highest-quality pastries! We sincerely hope you enjoy sipping our great tea and devouring our delectable pastries. Our main objective is for Candle Café to be among the most well-liked Café on roblox with a welcoming atmosphere that everyone can enjoy.


Candle Cafe Recipe Guide
HB Promotion Guide
Candle Cafe Chain of Command

We hope this handbook can assist you with whatever you’re looking for, this handbook is to be updated at any time! We hope to see you around! :wave:

Written and approved by SHRs
Posted by kesmo_1
Last updated February 22nd, 2023