CANimator | An alternative to Roblox's stock animator

Hello all! This is my first post here in Community Resources, constructive criticism is appreciated!

TL;DR CANimator is currently an R6 animator script that strips things down and adds smooth transitions. Bring your own animations. See it in action here. Get it here. It’s currently in alpha and doesn’t really do much, but I figured it would be useful to somebody in it’s current state.

Below is the readme file found on this github page.



A bad alternative to Roblox’s stock animator script.


  • Directional leaning
  • Smoother transitions
  • Movement speed based FOV adjustment


  • !!! R6 ONLY !!!
  • No emote handler
  • No separate walk/run animations
  • No tool hold animation
  • Still buggy
  • Not very performant
  • No priority replication or custom priority system

To-be-added (in order of priority)

  • [ ] Remove dependence on R6
  • [ ] Animated strafing and walking backwards
  • [ ] Landing animation support
  • [ ] Fix initial startup
  • [ ] Better handling of jumping and falling
  • [ ] Priority replication/custom priority system
  • [ ] Performance improvements???

Why you should use CANimator

  • It’s configurable
    CANimator comes with a very extensive config ModuleScript
  • It’s barebones
    CANimator does not include what (I think) doesn’t need to be in an animator script. It does not include an emote handler. It does not include a tool hold animation for you to inevitably groan at having to override. It does what it needs to and nothing else.
  • It’s Smoother
    -CANimator focuses on improving the core feature set of Roblox’s stock animator. Combined with edited character movement (see here) the result can be a much better experience for players, both visually and feeling-ing-ly…?
  • It Would make me very happy :slight_smile:

How to use

  1. Get CANimator and put it in StarterPlayerScripts
  2. Configure it how you like
  3. Add your animations
  4. Profit

Configuration guide

config.maxWalkspeed = The walkspeed you want CANimator to weight all it's animations to. 


config.DoFOVAdjustment = Do you want field of view adjustment or not

config.fovValue = the FOV value you want CANimator to modify

config.fovAdjustmentPath = the camera who's FOV you want CANimator to modify

config.FOVMult = By how much should the fov be multiplied by. The equation is FOV + (current walkspeed / max walkspeed) * FOVMult. For instance, 90 + (8/16) * 1.2 = 90.6


--Animations = {

["id"] = The ID of the animation as a string: "rbxassetid://#########"

["priority"] = The priority you want the animation to be. Uses the AnimationPriority Enum.




config.DoLeaning = Do you want leaning or not

config.leanAmount = 5 The amount CANimator should tilt the player. More is more

config.leanEasing = .08 The amount of easing CANimator should apply.
Lower is longer, multiply by 60/framerate

config.jumpLeanAmount = -9 The amount of easing CANimator should apply when a player jumps.
Negative is tilting back, so lower is more

config.MagnitudeCutoff = 1.59 THIS IS "CUSTOM" AND NEEDS MANUAL TUNING.
To figure out what you should set it, uncomment the line print(magnitude) and pay attention to value
in output. Idk I'll fix this later. Maybe.

config.fallLeanAmount = 5 The amount of easing CANimator should apply when a player is falling.
Positive is tilting forward, so higher is more.

config.climbUpLeanAmount = 10 The amount of easing CANimator should apply when a player is
climbing upward. Higher is more.

config.climbDownLeanAmount = 10 The amount of easing CANimator should apply when a player is
climbing downward. Higher is more.


none atm. soontm.


I would like to know how to properly implement the Strafing. You may already be working on it at the moment, and if you are I appreciate it. This module is very very efficient, dont even say its bad. Im just curious about the Strafing. :smile: