Cannot add authorization to header in httpsService:GetAsync()

I’ve been trying to recently atleast contact ro-wifi API to get someone’s roles in a discord server. I honestly cannot do anything, it somehow keeps saying “401, Unathorized” or something like that over and over. I tried even making it json, then it errored saying it needs to be a table.

local resp = game.HttpService:GetAsync("".. guild.. "/members/roblox/".. robloxid, false, { Authorization = "Bot  [CODE-HERE-FROM-ROWIFI-DASHBOARD]"})

-- Response recieved:
-- HTTP 401 (Unauthorized)



it’s supposed to be a placeholder for my actual code that if I would reveal, something bad would happen I guess.

The robloxid returns the “Player.UserId” value, and i tested it. It worked.
Same goes for guild, it’s the server’s ID.