Cannot cancel premium

Around November or December, I bought Roblox Premium for game bonuses, but now I don’t need it, I went ahead try to cancel my premium back on February, but I couldn’t find a cancel button on all my devices, I didn’t purchase Premium through the app because I purchase on Roblox’s website using my card.

So I contacted Roblox’s support team, they weren’t much help, they said I must cancel through the iTunes store, and they can’t cancel it themselves, so I waited until the next month, which is March 16th, where my premium should be renewed and I should get a charge, but I didn’t got a charge, and I still have Premium and received Robux, I went to the support team again and check all my devices to see a cancel button, there was nothing. Now currently it is March 20th, and I still have premium, how can I cancel it?


Do you see a cancel option available on this page? It should be under Subscriptions.

No, I don’t


I mean… other companies have been sued for such issues… if you really want to you could try that.


If Roblox was still charging me on my card without me having a clear way to cancel, then I would say something, but no suing lmao

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Hi @EasyAsap7

We checked our backend, and your subscription has never been cancelled. It was successfully renewed on March 16.

  • Why you cannot find a Cancel button?
    This could be that you logged in a different Apple account other than the one that purchased it, so you cannot find the subscription.
  • Why you did not receive a charge when the subscription renewed?
    This could be that your account has some remaining fund which was used before charging the card. The other possibility is that the Apple account that purchased the subscription was charged, but you did not know.
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I couldn’t cancel it because there was no cancel button for me to cancel. That’s why I reached out

  1. I purchased premium through my card, physical card, and this is the only card that has a premium membership. I only bought Robux before using Apple, not the membership.
  2. Could be a possibility that I have remaining funds, but I didn’t used an Apple account to make a monthly subscription for the membership. I also check my card and Apple payments, and I see no upcoming or pending charges either.

If this bug isn’t fixed after they have had enough time to correct it, pursuing legal action could be a way to make plenty of money and teach them a thing or two about bugs and priority.

Alternatively, they could just be a reasonable person and try and work out what the problem is with the staff members who are already clearly active in this thread to ensure the bug is properly resolved…

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I solved the problem, apparently, I wasn’t getting charged because my card and my apple wallet was both connected, and I guess that my card kept sending funds to the apple account but never told me about the transitions between them.

I also didn’t suspect it was a mobile transaction because it would’ve shown my transaction history and payment. So, I wasn’t looking hard enough, thanks to anyone who was trying.