Cannot change NPC parts CustomPhysicalProperties with player as networkowner

In my game I have NPCs that can follow a player. The follow is initiated by the server which set the NPC parts network owner as player and ask its client to handle the following, which is done with Humanoid:MoveTo(). I do this for cleaner movement and performance of the server (NPC position cannot give an advantage to the player).

So I tried to change their CustomPhysicalProperties to make them stop instantly (cause if the speed is too high they will slide to far from the wanted emplacement), as I did for the player which works with :

for _, Part in pairs(Character:GetChildren()) do 
	if (Part:IsA("BasePart")) then 
		Part.CustomPhysicalProperties =, 0.5, 1, 0.3, 1)

But when i try to add this CustomPhysicalProperties to all the part of the NPC on client, server or both side, it does not seems to apply (NPCs still slide if the speed to high).

Any idea why it doesn’t apply?