Cannot Configure Badges in the Creator Dashboard

There seems to be no possible way to configure badges in the Creator Dashboard anymore, and I am not sure if this was on purpose or accidental:


However, if I go to the page of a game and open the badge, I have the option to configure it:

I cannot configure inactive badges without manipulating the URL of the badge configuration page.

First Occured: 12/1/2023
Last Occured: 12/1/2023

Happened while editing this experience

Note: I have found out that you can edit the badge via “Open in New Tab,” though there used to be a configure option.

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Haha, interesting report. You can configure badges by clicking on their icon itself. It’s quite bad UX so it’s understandable you made a report on it. Hopefully an engineer can see this and improve the layout of the page or add an “Edit” button to the dropdown options.

There used to be an option to edit the badge via the Creator Dashboard unless I misremember its first interface.

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Thanks for filing this, there was a UX change that was shipped, but either ways you should be able to configure your badge from both Creator Dashboard and the page for your game. I will pass on the feedback to our UX team about the ask for an “Edit” button.

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