When trying to create a gamepass through the Creator Hub, an error is returned instead of the gamepass being created, regardless of the image, gamepass name and/or description.
“Pass creation failed. Please inspect the logs or network tab or contact us if this problem persists.”
MS Edge 130.0.2849.46 (Official compilation) (64 bits)
From console in inspect element:
Failed to load resource: net::ERR_HTTP2_PROTOCOL_ERROR
FetchError: The request failed and the interceptors did not return an alternative response
at new n (_app-f4a6b4490e6a8667.js:560:136920)
at s. (_app-f4a6b4490e6a8667.js:560:134105)
at _app-f4a6b4490e6a8667.js:560:141027
at Object.throw (_app-f4a6b4490e6a8667.js:560:141132)
at l (_app-f4a6b4490e6a8667.js:560:139909)Caused by: TypeError: Failed to fetch
at _app-f4a6b4490e6a8667.js:560:2845
at s. (_app-f4a6b4490e6a8667.js:560:133712)
at _app-f4a6b4490e6a8667.js:560:141027
at Object.next (_app-f4a6b4490e6a8667.js:560:141132)
at s (_app-f4a6b4490e6a8667.js:560:139858)
Page URL: https://create.roblox.com/dashboard/creations/experiences/3480198125/passes/create
(10/22/24 edit: it fixed itself. bruh)