Cannot cut or delete script

Basically, i’m using Team Create, I go to delete a frame in my SurfaceGUI, and i’m told that i’m editing a script in the frame i’m deleting, so I can’t delete it. I do not have the script open, I tried opening and closing the script, and it still kept telling me I was editing it. It’s happened twice today and I had to restart studio to fix it both times.

It happens sometimes, it’s usually just one random script in a SurfaceGUI or ScreenGUI causing this.
To reproduce it, i’d just try using TC and make Screen/SurfaceGUI and have scripts in different frames and try deleting the frames, that’s basically all I did.

Only happens whilst editing the game, not whilst playing or testing.

I do not have any screenshots or videos but will add any if it happens again.

The bug started happening today, it’s never happened before that.

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