Cannot distribute plugin on the Creator Store

Attempting to enable the “Distribute on Creator Store” toggle does not work even after saving the change and refreshing the webpage. To add, trying to distribute the asset on the Creator Store takes from the 10 plugin uploads a month limit even though there is only one that I am trying to make public.

Page URL:


having exact same issues.

seems like it saves just fine but when I open the plugin on the creator store page on incognito tab it says this content is private. It also just kicked my plugin off the creator store entirely causing my plugin to be kicking from 1st trending to not even on the list anymore :sob:

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We are actively investigating this issue and apologize for any inconvenience.


I recently updated UGC Makers Toolbox plugin with a bug fix, and its ‘Distribute on Creator Store’ was forcibly set to false without my knowledge. I cannot put it back on the marketplace.


Same happened to me, but with a plugin.

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Hi @deafaultyboii1324, @PIXELBYPIX, @Onogork, @varuniemcfruity,

We have identified the issue and confirmed that the fix is working. Feel free to put your plugins back on the creator store and we apologize for any inconvenience that this may have caused.

Please let us know if you run into any further issues. Thank you!


I can also confirm the fix worked — thank you.

How long will it take before they start reappearing in the Creator Store? After making 2 of my plugins (CFS & Swap) affected by this bug public again, they don’t appear in the "More From ___” section.

Click to open webpage


Hi, they should be back up now, I think it just took a while to update. Checking your CS Studio plugin, I see CFS and Swap in the “More From” section.

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