Optimized Interactive Grass Plugin


  1. when the player isnt near grass itll disable the physics?


  1. when the player isnt looking at the grass itll disable the physics?

if so 1 is already implemented and 2 im working on right now!


  1. something else ?
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V1.8 Release Notes

New Config Options :hammer:

OcclusionCulling = {
		HideGrass = {
			Enabled = false 
		DisablePhysics = {
			Enabled = false
  • When disable physics is enabled, when the player isn’t looking at grass itll disable the physics for that grass.
  • When hide grass is enabled, when the player isn’t looking at the grass it’ll make it not visible.

FYI… still cant download plugin…

I know, Roblox is being buggy and everytime I put it up for sale it goes back to offsale, I contacted them and I’m waiting for a response


They’re working on it.

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@Wertyhappy27 @blackmaskofthenoob @Ur_Dadeyyyyyy Plugin link should work now.

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is there a alternative method than paying in USD, new paying for plugins with actual money is stupid i swear to god.

It doesnt seem the plugin works in studio or in your test place, when i joined twice and tested twice the grass did nothing, no sounds no movement and its the same for my game

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Thats weird, it works for me in the testing place, and I can see the grass move when you move around(recorded on my phone because im not home)

External Media

what i do know is im pretty sure COTM (children of the meadows) uses this plugin and it works and i can see it, just not here or in studio it seems ? ill try on my phone too

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auuuugh noo it seems to be a problem with my pc alone thats the worst outcome fdksfjdsk

wow i just checked they do actually use this plugin, thats surprising. so does the grass work on your phone?

It works on my phone yeah, but not on pc which is so strange, but then it works on pc on their game…

V1.9 Release Notes :bulb:

Upcoming Features :eye:

  • Grass Model Option: An option to turn a model into grass, creating a hitbox that includes everything within the model, tagging the hitbox appropriately.
  • Modernistic UI Overhaul: A complete redesign of the user interface with a modern look.

Changes to Testing Place :hammer_and_pick:

All assets in the new foliage scenes are available for free on the toolbox, most of the stylized assets are from this free pack: Stylized Nature MegaKit :exclamation:
  • Conveyor Belts: Due to there being so many scenes, there are now conveyor belts to easily navigate around all the different spots

It’s too cartoony for my liking and also it doesn’t work for me.


doesn’t work for me neither :frowning:

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I get that the style might feel too cartoony for you. If the plugin isn’t working. I’ve just released an update to fix the issue, try updating it, then, go to StarterPlayerScripts > GrassPhysicsClient, delete it, and click the update button in the plugin menu. Also, please remember that there are many options to configure your grass to your liking, the main one you should change if youd prefer something less cartoony would be this:

Tween = {
		Duration = 1.6,  -- Duration of animation tweens in seconds
		EasingStyle = Enum.EasingStyle.Elastic,  -- Easing style for animation tweens
		EasingDirection = Enum.EasingDirection.Out,  -- Easing direction for animation tweens
		TweenName = "pivotTween"  -- Name for the tween instance

You could change the easing style to something not elastic to remove that bouncy effect, or maybe make the duration slower and make the easingstyle exponential.

This is the result I get from making the duration 1.4 and the easing style exponential, which is less cartoony than the default settings in my opinion.

Hey, I’ve just released an update to fix the issue, try updating the plugin, then, go to StarterPlayerScripts > GrassPhysicsClient, delete it, and click the update button in the plugin menu.

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