Cannot find the model in model in the script

game.ReplicatedStorage.Start.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(plr, stand, id)
    print(Stand) -- Getting nil.
    local ReallyStand = plr.Character:FindFirstChild("Stand")
    print(ReallyStand) -- Geting again nil, bruh..

Im cant solve this problem, im tryed to got this stand with for i v in pairs, but this not helped, this function doesnt finded the model with stand, but in Explorer i can succesfuly see this stand (im calling event when im has been spawned, 20-30 sec again with check before calling.)

Typo? Did you mean to put


Lua is case-sensitive with its variables, so if you lowercase the “s” in “stand” you should be all set

Hi there! If I’m correct you can’t access the player’s character from a server script like that.
I would recommend you find the player’s character by doing this.

local char = workspace:FindFirstChild(plr.Name)

I know it’s not the best way, since there are a lot of things that can go wrong with this method.
But it can do the job what you need.

Just make sure, there aren’t any models named the same as the player’s name, but if there is you can solve it by doing a check like this:

local char

if  workspace:FindFirstChild(plr.Name) and workspace:FindFirstChild(plr.Name):FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then
    char = workspace:FindFirstChild(plr.Name)

Hopefully this helped you!

This is typo, script doesnt this typo, sorry


Your fixed script should be like this though?

game.ReplicatedStorage.Start.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(plr, stand, id)
    print(stand) -- Getting nil.
    local ReallyStand = plr.Character:FindFirstChild("stand")
    if ReallyStand then

i think i have found the solution you needed

Im tried to print the names of player/character, and console sucessfuly wroted the names of characters…

The plr parameter is already set

Now that i checked your script again, I don’t see anything wrong with it.

Maybe the stand parameter isn’t a string?

Anyways, what will it give me?

This is not string, this is maybe how like the function getFullName() - object, im gived the arguments: player, object, value


local ReallyStand = plr.Character:FindFirstChild("stand")

Did you mean to do

local ReallyStand = plr.Character:FindFirstChild(stand)

Assuming stand is a string?

Than that is the problem with it probably. You should try giving the event the stand’s name.
Like this “Standless”

Please tell me if it worked

Im check again the script, and saw that the im gived the arguments: player, object.Name (string), value

Can you please provide the script that fires the event?

Me need gtg, sorry guys…
See ya later

Im solved this problem, the argumentation is missing.