Cannot get "Community Creations" from catalog API?


I want to get catalog items that are specifically community creations. When I set the “Category” query parameter to 13 (which is for community creations), I get an HTTP 400 error.

This is the current URL:

local url = "";


Is there any way to fix or get around this?


i think roblox has removed the community creations category entirely, and unless anybody else knows, i do not think there are any workarounds for this.

if you would like can use category 11 for accessories or category 1 for all items. you can see all categories here.

That really sucks. So, there is no way at all to get assets made by any other creator than Roblox? Or, can I filter out Roblox as the creator somehow?

As in get every creator BUT roblox, not filter to target a specific creator.

EDIT: I am seeing it is possible to get items that are not created by Roblox, but I just need a way to filter out Roblox.

you can try doing a for loop on every item and hide whatever roblox made

I guess that’ll have to do. Thanks!